The 2nd International Open Innovation Cases Congress of Oiweek LATAM aims to generate knowledge about the practices and impacts of open innovation in Latin America. We invite the business, entrepreneurial, scientific community, and innovation ecosystem stakeholders to submit cases addressing the theme of Open Innovation.
For this call, a practical case is considered a rich and detailed description of a specific situation or problem, considering the results and practices in open innovation.
Cases will be considered for evaluation if they:
- Address practices, contexts, situations, and problems involving open innovation.
- Present partnerships and/or interactions between at least 2 (two) entities.
- Are active or have been concluded no more than three years ago.
For this call, cases will be considered such as:
- I) Development of new practices, designs, processes, and solutions together and/or
- Creation and/or transfer of technologies and resources; and/or
- Joint investments in innovation and/or
- Opening of R&D to the market situations; and/or
- Other forms similar to those established above
Cases will not be considered when:
- Address a single entity and/or
- Describe the performance of a product and/or service and/or
- Aim to describe solely the benefits of a technological solution and/or
- Other forms similar to those established above
The event consists of the following stages:
Publication of the notice and opening of submissions |
January 19, 2024 |
Submission deadline |
March 25, 2024** |
Announcement of approved cases |
Between January 22 and April 9, 2024 (continuous*) |
Opening of registrations for authors with approved cases |
January 22, 2024 |
Closing of registrations for authors with approved cases |
April 14, 2024 |
Announcement of presentation schedule |
Until 26th April 2024 |
Submission of presentations by authors |
Until 5th May 2024 |
2nd International Open Innovation Cases Congress |
May 14-17, 2024 |
Publication of the Congress proceedings |
July 2024 |
* Results will be released continuously during the mentioned period.
** Extended Deadline.
Papers will be submitted via the Even3 system ( Submissions outside the deadline set by this notice will not be accepted.
Authors are fully responsible for their cases, including the provided data, author insertion, compliance with the notice rules, and approval from partners for publication.
Cases that do not comply with the rules of this notice may be excluded from the event without prior notification.
The Congress organisation will modify submitted cases under no circumstances and in any order.
There is no maximum limit of submissions per author. Each work can have a maximum of 5 authors/co-authors.
1. Include all authors involved in the case, including possible presenters. Third parties will not be inserted for case presentation.
2. Ensure that all authors agree with the case submission and that their data can be disclosed (see data policy item).
Each case must be submitted to the event only once. Multiple submissions will not be accepted.
Submitted papers can be in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.
Case submissions are free of charge.
Cases already presented at the previous Congress may not be resubmitted. Cases that have been rejected may be submitted but with improvements.
The case submission will occur in two ways:
During submission, authors must fill in the following information:
» Authors:
- The Even3 system already provides the author's full name (mandatory).
- Author's email (mandatory): already provided by the Even3 system.
- Co-authors (optional): insert the name or email of the author.
» Author's Entity:
An entity is understood as any institution, whether a corporation, startup, ecosystem, university, etc. We recommend using the most "known" name of the entity.
- Name of the Entity (mandatory): insert the entity's name.
- CNPJ of the Entity (mandatory): for non-Brazilian entities, insert 00000000000000.
- Entity Classification: AgriTechs / AutoTechs / BioTechs / CityTechs / CleanTechs / ConstrucTechs / EdTechs / EnergyTechs / FashionTechs / FinTechs / FoodTechs / GovTechs / HealthTechs / HRtechs / IndTechs / LegalTechs / LogTechs / MarTechs / ProductivityTechs / RetailTechs / TravelTechs / Others / Not applicable.
- How the Entity of the author identifies itself in the ecosystem (mandatory): corporation/startup / Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE - Consulting, services, etc.) / Educational Entities / Science and Technology Institutions (STI - Incubators, accelerators, etc.) / Ecosystem / Public Body or NGOs / Investor / Others.
- What was the role of the Entity in open innovation (mandatory)? Describe it in one sentence. Example: The Entity was responsible for disseminating innovation.
» Partners:
Partners are any entities that developed open innovation jointly with the author's entity. We recommend using the most "known" name of the entity.
Authors should also fill in the data of their partners in the project:
- How many Partners did the case have? 1, 2...
- Name of Partner Entity 1 (mandatory): insert the entity's name.
- Entity Classification of Partner 1: AgriTechs / AutoTechs / BioTechs / CityTechs / CleanTechs / ConstrucTechs / EdTechs / EnergyTechs / FashionTechs / FinTechs / FoodTechs / GovTechs / HealthTechs / HRtechs / IndTechs / LegalTechs / LogTechs / MarTechs / ProductivityTechs / RetailTechs / TravelTechs / Others / Not applicable.
- How Partner Entity 1 identifies itself in the ecosystem (mandatory): corporation/startup / Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE - Consulting, services, etc.) / Educational Entities / Science and Technology Institutions (STI - Incubators, accelerators, etc.) / Ecosystem / Public Body or NGOs / Investor / Others.
- What was the role of Partner Entity 1 in open innovation (mandatory)? Describe it in one sentence. Example: The entity was responsible for disseminating innovation.
- Name of Partner Entity 2 (mandatory): insert the entity's name.
- Entity Classification of Partner 2: AgriTechs / AutoTechs / BioTechs / CityTechs / CleanTechs / ConstrucTechs / EdTechs / EnergyTechs / FashionTechs / FinTechs / FoodTechs / GovTechs / HealthTechs / HRtechs / IndTechs / LegalTechs / LogTechs / MarTechs / ProductivityTechs / RetailTechs / TravelTechs / Others / Not applicable.
- How Partner Entity 2 identifies itself in the ecosystem (mandatory): corporation/startup / Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE - Consulting, services, etc.) / Educational Entities / Science and Technology Institutions (STI - Incubators, accelerators, etc.) / Ecosystem / Public Body or NGOs / Investor / Others.
- What was the role of Partner Entity 2 in open innovation (mandatory)? Describe it in one sentence. Example: The entity was responsible for disseminating innovation.
5.2. CASE
The second submission stage will involve sending the case in PDF format. The case template is available at (
The information that must be included in the case file are:
- Case Summary (mandatory): describe the story of open innovation.
- Open Innovation Situation or Problem: What is the problem or situation that generated the open innovation solution?
- Intervention: What method, process, or technique was used to solve the problem or situation?
- Results: What results and innovations were generated in open innovation?
- Teaching Objectives (only for teaching cases): What are the teaching objectives of the case?
- Disciplines (only for teaching cases): Which disciplines can the teaching case be applied to?
- Contributions (Mandatory): What are open innovation's economic, social, and environmental impacts?
- Acknowledgments (Optional);
- References (Optional).
Any acknowledgements included should be exclusively institutional, avoiding personal ones.
Authors should also fill in the following:
- Case Modality (mandatory): choose between practical and teaching cases.
- My case is allocated in the following area (mandatory): AgriTechs / AutoTechs / BioTechs / CityTechs / CleanTechs / ConstrucTechs / EdTechs / EnergyTechs / FashionTechs / FinTechs / FoodTechs / GovTechs / HealthTechs / HRtechs / IndTechs / LegalTechs / LogTechs / MarTechs / ProductivityTechs / RetailTechs / TravelTechs / Others.
- My case can be associated with a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) (mandatory): Eradication of Poverty / Zero Hunger and Sustainable Agriculture / Good Health and Well-being / Quality Education / Gender Equality / Clean Water and Sanitation / Affordable and Clean Energy / Decent Work and Economic Growth / Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure / Reduced Inequalities / Sustainable Cities and Communities / Responsible Consumption and Production / Climate Action / Life Below Water / Life on Land / Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions / Partnerships for the Goals / Not applicable.
- My case can be associated with ESG (mandatory): Environmental / Social / Governance / Not applicable.
- My case was developed in (Mandatory) Argentina / Bolivia / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Costa Rica / Cuba / Ecuador / El Salvador / Guatemala / Haiti / Honduras / Mexico / Nicaragua / Panama / Paraguay / Peru / Dominican Republic / Uruguay / Venezuela / Other Country.
IMPORTANT: The choices about area, SDG, ESG, and Country will be used to compose the case presentation schedule. Therefore, choose the ones that best fit.
By submitting their cases, authors and their partners confirm that:
✔ The entered data is legitimate, authorised by their responsible parties (or is anonymous), and complies with the applicable legal requirements in each of the authors' countries.
✔ Exempts 100 Open Innovation from any current and future issues regarding the information filled in at the time of submission.
✔ The case was submitted voluntarily with the permission of all involved parties.
✔ The case presents a relationship of open innovation and not the product/service of my company.
✔ Authors are aware that the case may be excluded from the event if it does not comply with the specifications of this notice.
✔ In case of case approval, it may be disclosed and published by 100 open startups and in any media.
✔ In case of case approval, at least one author must be registered and present it for the case to be published in the event proceedings.
Cases already presented in previous editions of the Cases Congress cannot be submitted.
The Congress organisation is not responsible for incomplete submissions due to communication failure, communication line congestion, lack of electricity, server slowness caused by excess simultaneous accesses, or any other technical factors that prevent data transfer. For this reason, it is recommended that interested parties complete the submission of their works in advance, avoiding any potential technical difficulties that may occur in the last days of the submission deadline.
Any actor in the ecosystem can submit cases: corporations, startups, micro and small enterprises, universities, public or private Science and Technology Institutions (STIs), ecosystems, hubs, consultancies, public entities, technological parks, accelerators, incubators, freelancers, among others.
Case evaluations will take place after the submission deadline. Anonymous reviewers will conduct them. Under no circumstances will the names of the reviewers be revealed.
Evaluations will be based on the quality of the work. Selection criteria include:
- Structure and writing: organisation, adequacy, correctness, clarity, objectivity, and language fluency.
- II. Open innovation situation/problem.
- III. Results and Innovation in open innovation; and
- IV. Contribution and/or impact.
During the evaluation, reviewers may indicate cases as the best cases of the event.
Access to the 2nd International Congress of Open Innovation Cases will only be granted through registration and payment of the participation fee.
Price and enrolment click here.
Registration is individual, non-transferable, and cannot be shared. Authors of selected cases must register for the congress for the case to be presented and published in the event proceedings.
Registered author accreditation will occur throughout the 2nd International Congress of Open Innovation Cases.
Approved works should only be presented by the authors. Under no circumstances will third parties be allowed to give the cases. Therefore, ensure that potential presenters are authors of the case.
For a case to be eligible for presentation, at least one of the authors must be registered for the event.
Authors will not be allowed to choose the dates of their case presentations. Make sure your schedule is available for the congress.
100 Open Startups will ensure the security of the data provided by the authors, including the collection, use, and transfer of customer or third-party information, by current legislation (General Data Protection Law - LGPD, Federal Law 13,709/2018).
Sensitive data will be used exclusively by the congress organisation.
The anonymity of entity information is permitted. However, authors are requested to provide fictitious names for these entities.
Three cases from each area will be nominated for the best-case award. However, only one of them will receive the title. The others will receive an honourable mention.
The technical committee will select the best case according to evaluation criteria. The criteria are:
- Description of open innovation
- Open innovation innovation
- Impact of open innovation
The committee will also choose the best case of the event. This choice will be made by evaluating the best cases from each thematic area, where one of them will be selected as the best case of the event.
The announcement of the nominees may occur before or during the event. The committee reserves the right not to award any of the nominated cases.
Submitting the work implies the total and unconditional acceptance of all provisions, rules, and instructions in this notice.
Keep your records updated, mainly by email. 100 Open Startups is not responsible for emails not received.
Communications with authors (and participants) will occur via email and the official event website.
The items in this call may undergo modifications and updates until the event is completed. All changes and/or updates will be published on the event website.
The academic coordination will evaluate situations not covered by this notice.

Ph.D. Bruno Rondani
100 Open Startups

Ph.D. Hugo Kantis
Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Ph.D. Felipe Mendes Borini
Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária da Universidade de São Paulo

Ph.D. Leonardo Augusto de Vasconcelos Gomes
Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária da Universidade de São Paulo

Ph.D. Luciana Hashiba
Fundação Getúlio Vargas

Ph.D. Rafael Vesga
Universidad de los Andes

Ph.D. Gianni Romaní
Universidad Católica del Norte

Ph.D. Ana Carolina Martinez Romero
Universidad ICESI

Luiz Guilherme Rodrigues Antunes
General Coordinator

Rodolfo Ribeiro
Moderator Coordinator

Laleska Lebioda
Delegation Coordinator

Victor Brandão
Academic Secretariat

Carla Colonna
Infrastructure and Marketing

Rafael Levy

Marco Antonio Petucco Junior

Jéssica dos Santos
Startups Institutional Representation

Daniel Vasserman
Corporate Institutional Representation

Edison de Oliveira Júnior
Financial Management

Dione Barbosa